Friday, July 24, 2015

Flee from sexual sin

I have wanted to write this entry for 4 months and I think its time to tell it like it is. I know some people will get offended by my message. Some of you will stop following me and I am expecting that. I am not here to please people or impress them. I perform to the audience of One and that is my Lord Jesus Christ. I don't consider myself an expert on sexual immorality, but I will share my past experiences and what the Bible says. I write this blog out of love because I love Jesus and I love you all. If you get offended or the Holy Spirit convict you of sin, good. God doesn't want you or anyone to perish. Neither do I. But people go to hell because of lack of knowledge or refuse the truth. Repent because the kingdom of God is at hand. Jesus died for the remission of sin. He lives today because His sacrifice was good enough to save many. The signs all point to the return of Jesus and when He comes back to judge everyone according to the way they lived, it will be too late and there will be NO persuading Him. I am not a Pastor, nor am I highly educated nor a man who is eloquent with words. But I am a born again follower of Jesus Christ and I am going to tell it like it is. I am talking to believers, luke warm Christians and nonbelievers. We all need to obey God. If I hated you all, I wouldn't tell you the truth and let you die in your sin.
If you are watching porn and masturbating while you watch porn, that is a sin. If you even look at a man or woman in lust, even thinking about it, according to God you have already committed adultery and that is a sin. While I am at it, cheating on your spouse is a sin. Having multiple wives and husbands is a sin. Sex was meant to be only in the context of marriage between a man and woman only. Sodomy is a sin. Premarital sex is a sin because sex is meant only for marriage. The Bible says that it's is better to marry than to burn with passion in hell. Sex was meant to be for people to make babies and it's an intimate moment between a husband and wife. In God's eyes, they are one spiritually and physically when they have sex, they become one. Having sex with animals or anything that is not your spouse is a sin.
Dressing with out modesty is a sin. I'd like to mention, if you go to church with a short skirt, with your breasts exposed, wearing tight pants, showing off your arms, etc, that is a sin and your Pastor is doing you a disservice for allowing to walk into God's house of worship dressed like that. Yes, I am talking to the men too. I am not only picking on women. Everybody is getting a piece of this. If the way you dresses someone lust after you, you have caused them to sin and you are guilty too. Cover up and do what God says. That should be good enough for you. 
I know this next one is a real touchy subject now but I obey the One True Living God and I say "YES SIR" to Him. Homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, drag queens, being bisexual, acting/dressing feminine if you're a man and acting/dressing  masculine if you are a woman is a sin. Some people say "I was born this way". Me too. I was born a sinner. I needed to be born again so that I could stop doing the things God calls sin. The same blood that washed me of my sins i the same blood that will wash you. You don't have to stay in your sin. It's like being locked up and the jailer opens the door and says you are free, but you don't want to go. Does that make any sense? Jesus took all of our sins and shame on the cross so we could be set free. If you don't want to change its because you love your sin and you are willingly rebelling against God. It's that simple.
Don't go calling me a bigot or a homophobic Christian because for every one's information I don't hate homosexuals. I hate sin. I want to see people get saved and see Jesus transform their lives. That won't happen until folks decide to repent and follow Christ. Until then, I will call sin what it is. Sin. Remember that you are not your sin. You are not the embodiment of homosexuality, lust, porn,etc. But you are in sin. God loves the sinner but He still hates sin. In John 3:16 it says that God so loved the world that He gave up His only Son so that if anyone would believe in Him, they would not perish but have eternal life. Jesus Himself said that He didn't come to save the people who thought they were righteous. He came to save sinners.
Some people will say that I shouldn't judge. Well God's word says I can judge. Who am I going to listen to? You or God? I am not a hypocrite and I have read the scriptures. I love you all and I don't want you to go to hell. Some people will say that God can only judge them. Well my reply to that is: That should scare you. You want the one who knows all, sees all and is present everywhere to judge you? You want the one who can not only destroy your body but also your soul to judge you? You want the Almighty, the all Wise, the  Righteous God to judge you? REALLY?! "Only God can judge me" is something Tupac said. Jesus never said anything like that nor do you find it in the Bible. When people say that you shouldn't judge them, that means they don't want to repent and want to be left alone to sin. Alright, that's fine. Don't repent. Every sinner who has died before you plead and wish they could hear REPENT one more time. We all have free will and we are allowed to exercise that choice. But the Bible says that you should not lean on your own understanding and trust the Lord.
But see, here's the thing. God has a purpose and plan for His laws, commands and rules. It's to keep us safe. For example, if people didn't sleep around the chances of getting a sexual transmitted disease do you think there would be many cases of STDs? There would most likely be very few cases of unplanned pregnancies. Divorce would be a whole lot less. Lastly, the pornography industry wouldn't be a multi billion dollar juggernaut. Prostitution would be nonexistent. Abortions probably wouldn't exist either. Some of you might say that's wishful thinking. I would agree because that will never happen in this day and age. But this age is coming to a close. God knows what is best for us. Being sexually immoral isn't good for anyone and your body.
So what makes me such a expert on the subject? Sexual immorality was my favorite sin before I was born again. I am not proud of it anymore but I use to be proud of it. When I was younger I was a bit of a ladies man. I couldn't stay faithful in any relationship I was in. Plus i was having premarital sex. You know, there were times I had this feeling inside that felt shame, disgust and plain tired of all this perversion but I could not stop. I thank God that I am a moral person now. It wasn't by my own will power. It was by Gods will and His power and for His glory that I was able to stop. Remember I was addicted to sexual it and I could not stop even if I tried really hard. Via the Holy Spirit, only then was I empowered to stop. Jesus came into the scene and took all that away from me and I am so blessed and much happier for it. I love being married and being faithful to my wife. I don't like to see any kind of nudity anywhere. It makes me cringe and I don't want to see it. Back in the day I had no problem trying to use my "game" to get a girls phone number, or have her send me nude photos, or just walk by and check a woman out. I was terrible! What was wrong with me? Sin was what was wrong with me but Jesus made is making that all right now.
Now because of Jesus Christ, I can bounce my eyes away from a woman who is dressed in a manner that I don't believe is good, I don't check women out and like I said before I really enjoy being faithful to my wife. Do I mess up? Yes. What I do is stop what I am doing, pray to Jesus and come into agreement that what I did was sin and ask to be forgiven and lastly thank Him for forgiving me. I have the option to not sin and if I do sin, I have and advocate in heaven, Jesus Christ the righteous. In Proverbs 24:16 the Bible says that the righteous fall seven times but get back up but the wicked man face permanent destruction. Jesus is the God of the endless second chances. But don't abuse His grace to get away with sin. The grace of God is so you can get away from sin!  I don't want to sin and I know that my flesh and my spirit are at constant war. I have moments of weakness but they are far and between. This is all because I responded to God's call to repentance  I am being helped by the Holy Spirit and He is making it so I can walk this out in a God pleasing manner. If it can happen to me, I can guarantee it can happen to you too.
I know there are many people who in some way have been hurt sexually. If you need prayer or just someone to just listen, leave a comment. We can get in contact. You don't have to air out your dirty laundry online. I know how it is and I've been there. I am on the other side wanting to pull others from that side to God's side. America, bless God and may God bless you all. 

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