Sunday, December 23, 2018

Why I dont celebrate Christmas anymore

Christmas has, is and will always be pagan. Many say that "Jesus is the reason for the season" and "Keep Christ in Christmas." I would reply back "No, Jesus is not the reason for the season and Christ has never had anything to do with Christmas." There is a lot of Biblical proof to prove what I just stated. The whole thing is corrupt, pagan and roots in the occult.

I want to say this so there isn't any confusion. I do believe the birth of the Savior of the world, God in the flesh, is very important. Without the birth of Jesus, there is no atonement for sin. But we have never been commanded in the Old and New Testament to celebrate the birth of Jesus. But, we are commanded to remember the death of Jesus through communion. His body broken for our healing, His blood to wash away our sins.

Some may say "Well the Bible says that some believe one day is holier than the other and some don't". But what is the context of this misquoted verse? To me, they are using these verses as an excuse to sin. They are basically admitting to being weak of faith and because of this reason, they can continue to be weak and do as they please. The culture of the church institution is mediocrity. Its okay to be a mediocre Christian. Its okay to be weak of faith. Its okay to be involved with a church for 25 years and still a spiritual infant. These folks like to be spoon fed the word and they can only handle the milk.

Why would anyone want to just barely make the mark? Why would anyone want to just slide into the gates of heaven? When there is so much to learn and experience and so much room for growth. As children we want to be grown up so fast. We want to hurry to maturity. But not when it comes to growing in faith or things of God. I encourage you all to not accept mediocrity. Strive for the best of what the Lord has to offer. Its attainable but you may have to sacrifice somethings you like and you may have to deny yourself some of the legitimate pleasures of the world.

Before I go any further, let me remind you that this is why I don't celebrate Christmas. I am not condemning anyone if they choose to. Its your choice. But I am going to share why I do not. Also, I want to add, the paragraphs I wrote before this one, that is my opinion. Last I checked, I can still share my opinion. I live in America and we still have freedom of speech. But I digress.

I was like the majority of people who grew up with the tradition of Christmas. Presents, Santa Claus, Reindeer, Elves, trees, snow, etc I grew up with that. As I got older, I began to see that the holiday made people do things they usually wouldn't do. Some people would be nice to others. But only during this time of the year. People would go to great lengths, even going further into debt, just to buy a present for their loved one. Children are lied to about Santa. I was lied to also. When one of my cousins told me Santa was fake, according to my mom, I lost my innocence that day. I lost it the day I was told the lie.

  • The Winter Solstice begins in December 21st and ends December 25th. It ends 13 weeks later on February 14th. During this time, many human sacrifices take place. Yes, even now in the 21st century. 
  • The Christmas tree, also known as the sacred tree of the winter god, comes from the Druid belief that their God resided in the trees. The tree also represented the reincarnation of Nimrod as Tammuz. 
  • The star on top of the tree is a symbol of Satan. It is also the sacred symbol of Nimrod and has nothing to do with Jesus or His birth. 
  • Mistletoe is a sacred plant in the occult that represents fertility and blessings. Kissing under the mistletoe is the first step in the reproductive cycle. 
  • The wreath is a symbol of a woman's birth canal. Its a symbol of fertility and the circle of life. 
  • Many former Satanist state that the name "Santa" is an anagram of the name "Satan". An anagram is a play with letters in words to produce new words or phrases. This is a common practice in the occult. The truth hidden in plain sight. 
  • The reindeer represent the horned god of pagan religions. Originally, Santa had 8 deer and the number 8 is a symbol of the New World Order and also of new beginnings. 
  • Elves are demons. Demons are Satan's helpers. "Elf on a shelf" is really "Demon on the shelf". Come on my people! You leave it in place and then overnight it moves somewhere else by itself? You don't see anything wrong with that? I believe that demons are real and they are very bad. 
  • The RED and GREEN colors of Christmas are the traditional colors of winter in the occult. The church will say the red represents the red blood of Jesus and the green is the Spirit of God or eternal life. But that's not true. Red represents the red blood of human sacrifices. Green represents fertility (AKA sex). Not sex in the context of a married couple. But fornication. 
  • December 25th is known as the nativity (occasion of some one's birth; birthday) of sun. It is the birthday of Tammuz. Traditionally it use to be celebrated on December 21st but the Roman Catholic church changed it December 25th. 
  • December 25th is also known as "Saturnalia"by the ancient Romans. It was a celebration of debauchery, drunkenness, fornication and it ended with a huge feast. "Merry making"..sound familiar? Well merry making was just another word for wild revelry. 
  • The name 'Christmas" is even occult. We know "Christ" mentions Jesus, "Mas" means "mass". The pagans commemorate death with a mass. Christmas means death of Christ. They celebrate the death of Christ. We know that they don't believe Jesus rose from the dead. Pagans celebrate Christmas for the day when the Antichrist kills Jesus and Christianity. 
  • Pilgrims did not celebrate Christmas. Christmas was illegal to celebrate in the United States at one point. 
  • The tree represents a pyramid and the star above represents the all seeing eye and Satan. 
  • Many of these traditions came from the Egyptian culture also. The Free Mason's and many false religions use the symbols once used by the pagan Egyptians. 
  • The birthday of every pagan sun god is December 25th. 
I know, you don't celebrate none of those things and you celebrate Jesus. God doesn't want to be worshiped in the way that pagan gods are worshiped. God wants us to worship Him in the Spirit and in truth. The truth is, Christmas is pagan. You may not know or care what these symbols mean, but the mean something in the spiritual realm. they mean something to people. Satanists, pagans and folks involved with the occult, must laugh at us Christians for celebrating their wicked and pagan holiday. 

I choose not to celebrate Christmas because I want to respect God. I've read the Bible for myself and I understand from my readings that God has laid out how He wants things done. Not only laid them out in detail, but commands His people to do what He says. I've read how God is a jealous God and He does not share His glory with anyone. He hates idols and false gods because they rob Him of the glory that is due to Him. Just read the Old Testament and you will see that when the nation of Israel would begin to worship the gods of the pagans and celebrate their holidays and then try to worship the one and only true living God the way they practiced worshiping these false gods, it didn't go over very well. God would have to punish the nation of Israel. Some may say "Well we have freedom and we are under grace". I would agree that we have freedom and we are under Gods grace. But it doesn't mean that we are now free to sin as we please because of Gods grace. Gods grace makes it so that we do not have to sin. We can chose to sin or not sin. We are free, but we shouldn't run back to our vomit like the dogs. 

I recall reading that Jesus calls us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Him. When it comes to denying, what exactly are we denying? We are denying ourselves our sinful ways. The sins that we once loved. That should include denying oneself a pagan holiday in the name of being righteous and holy before the Lord our God. But some do not want to deny themselves this. I want to deny myself this legitimate pleasure so that I can know Him more. Jesus didn't celebrate Christmas and nor are we commanded to. We are commanded to abstain from all forms of evil. We are commanded to be holy, because God is holy. We are called to be separate from the world and be unique, Gods peculiar people. But we want to fit in and look like the world. 

Jesus said to pick up your cross and follow Him. When Jesus picked up His cross, He picked up it up and was led to the place where He would die. You sinful and fleshly ways need to die. Our old self was crucified with Christ and then buried with Him. We arose from baptism brand new and alive like Jesus. We are waiting for the salvation of our bodies, but our souls are saved and our Spirit is very much alive in us. I am speaking to those who claim to be born again Christians and who have been baptized. I'm not judging sinners because sinners are going to do what sinners do. That is to sin. I want to pick up my cross and follow Jesus to die. I hate sin. I hate this world full of temptation. Its not what God had originally planned for us. 

I also think that Christmas is a big waste of money. Since not celebrating Christmas, I am not so broke during December. I don't have to buy presents, trees, decorations, and those awful ugly sweaters. My eyes have been opened and I see that knowing Christ and following Him is mush more valuable and worthy than celebrating Christmas. I received the greatest gift of all, my salvation. It was given to me so that I may not boast about how I deserved it. Its so that I know that I didn't deserve it and God gave it to me anyways. Jesus gets all the glory, props and praise for saving me. I am forever grateful. And because I love Jesus so much and I hold Him in such high respect, I refuse to celebrate a pagan holiday. I know when I stand before Him, I wont be faulted for celebrating this "holy day". 

I don't condone or suggest anyone to celebrate Christmas. I also do not condemn anyone to hell for celebrating it either. I will let God be the judge of that. It hasn't been easy to break away from this tradition. Its all over the place and the stores start selling Christmas stuff as early as September. The day before the season officially begins, Thanksgiving, is the day we are suppose to reflect on the blessings God gave us. But the next day at midnight, people are mobbing over each other for TVs and video game systems. Its a celebration of selfishness and gluttony. I want nothing to do with that. If you're okay with that, okay. But just remember that we all will give an account of our lives to Him. This isn't a threat, its a promise that He made. I'm just reminding you of it. I expect backlash from this post. I expect to be hated and called names. But Jesus said that if the world hates me, it is because the world hated Him first. 

Oh, before I forget. The Biblical proof. God uses His festivals as a timeline for things to come. Jesus was born on the fest of tabernacles, which is at the end of summer. Also in the story of the birth of Jesus, the shepherds were out at night with their flocks. The shepherds would not have their flocks out in the freezing cold at night, nor would they spend the entire night out in the freezing cold. Yes, it does get that cold in the area where Jesus was born. Its been known to snow and freeze. Nowhere in the story of the birth of Jesus is it revealed the number of wise men went to worship Jesus. Also, the wise men were not in the manger the night Jesus was born. They found Jesus when he was about 1 or 2 years old. I believe it is assumed there were only 3 wise men because of the 3 gifts that were given. 

Nowhere in the story of the birth of Jesus is there any mention of trees, deer, Santa Claus, elves, and wreaths. Was the birth of Jesus a joyous occasion? Absolutely. But Jesus is not a baby anymore. He isn't in a manger. He grew up and fulfilled the prophecy of the Messiah. He died and rose again 3 days later. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God. He is high Priest and King forever. One day, Jesus is going to come back for His people. I want to be found to be one of His people. Even if it means denying myself Christmas. He is worthy. When Jesus comes back, He is coming back to judge and He will not be persuaded on that day. On the day of His return, the age of grace will end on earth. Don't risk it brethren. Repent and ask for forgiveness. Turn from your ways. 

Why God lets us suffer

God is suffering you, letting you be in what you are in, so that He can get the glory when He brings you out.

When Jesus healed the blind he told him that he was born blind so that Jesus could heal him and that God would get the glory.

We are not promised a life without suffering and affliction. But we are promised that God will be with us through the storm. The word says that He will deliver us from all of our afflictions. 

The Bible teaches that Jesus learned obedience to God through suffering. Why would Jesus, the Son of God, the God-man, need to learn obedience? The real question is, why do we think we are spared from suffering?

In my walk with the Lord, it has been through affliction and suffering that I have gotten to know God more intimately. He word has become more real and even more alive and meaningful in those times in the valley. 

When we suffer, it is not the time to try to find inner strength. It time to find God! He has all the strength and then some more. 

Paul wrote about a "thorn of the flesh" that was given to him, to keep him humble. It made him acknowledge the fact that he was weak, and God is strong. When Paul did that, the power of God rested on Him. Gods grace is sufficient. 

Real Men Cry...out to the Lord

Acts 20:31 - So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.

Mark 14:72 - Immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times." And he broke down and wept.

John 11:35 - Jesus wept.

Permission to preach the gospel: Jesus vs. The institution of church

And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28: 18 ‭-‬20

And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.  He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned." Mark 16: 15 ‭-‬16

What more permission, authorization, thumbs up do we need than that? You don't need permission from your church or your Pastor to go and share the Gospel. Stop relying on the church institution and go out be the church.  We have been COMMISSIONED by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28 and Mark 16 to go out and proclaim the Gospel.

I advise that before you hit the streets, make sure you have studied and understand the Gospel so that you deliver the uncorrupted Gospel. Why do we need permission from man when God Himself has already given the green light? I'll tell you why. The institution of church is more concerned with you ruining their reputation and scaring away the money away. Sorry, I mean scaring the people away.

Here is a short version of the gospel. We are sinful, there is no one who is righteous. God punishes sin. We can't do anything to make ourselves clean from sin. God became man through Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a sinless life and took our place on the cross. Three days later, Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Our faith is validated because the tomb is empty. Whosoever believes in Jesus and repents from their sin, will be saved.

Do you need a Pastor to give me his "okay" for that? No. I have the blessing from the Lord. I don't condemn anyone who wants to get permission. I'm just saying you don't have to. It's not commanded to do that. It is a man made rule. It's another way to control you.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15. Let's examine the word diligence. It means to have and show care of one's work and suites. So have and show care so you can present yourself to God as a workman who doesn't need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. In other words, study your Bible and once you're studied up, go and handle the word of truth.

The Gospel is Christianity 101. Its the very basic teaching that all believers are taught even before conversion. You're a Christian, you should understand the Gospel because in order to be saved, you had to have accepted the Gospel as truth. I am not saying you to be some theologian, you're testimony by itself is powerful. Romans 1:16 says that for the believer, the Gospel is the power of God for salvation. Revelation 12:11 says that we conquer the enemy by the blood of Lamb, the word of our testimony and by not loving our life even unto death.

Brethren, don't put so much trust in the so called church. Church is not a building. The church, is the people of God. Jesus has already so GO. What more permission do you want? Or is it that what Jesus said isn't good enough and you need validation by a man? Jesus, the God man, has given you permission. Now, go and so what He says. Satan has infiltrated the institution of church. The institution.of church is so far removed from what the real church looks like. Church as we know it, is nothing but a big business full of false converts. Good news, you can put all your trust in God, in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

We are at war

If you are a born again Chrsitian I just want to remind you that we are at war. We are involved in a spiritual war. We don't fight against flesh and blood. Our fight is with the powers, principalities and dark forces that rule this world. That's why we must wear our spiritual armor all the time.

Use faith to shield you from the fiery darts from the enemy and use your sword of the spirit, the word of God, to fight back and defeat the enemy. Sometimes we need a reminder of that when we feel attacked or things are not going our way. We live in a fallen world where there is death, disease, corruption and sin. If you only signed up to get health, wealth and prosperity then you are missing the whole point of salvation.

We are under constant attack because the enemy hates us and we are on the winning side. Don't feel down because you are under attack, count it a blessing. Because if you weren't under attack, you would be on the enemies side, right?

Count it a blessing to suffer shame and pain for barring the name of Jesus Christ my brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes on Jesus and not on what's going on around you.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The druids, Catholics and Halloween

I found this article I'd like to share with my audience on social media. It is from Repentance Cry Ministries. Look, I understand. As a convert and someone who loved Halloween growing up, I understand the attachment to the holiday. Candy, customes parties, ghouls, goblins, demons and death. But tell me, what place does any of those things have to do with the kingdom of God? Absolutely nothing. What does life have to do with death? What does light have to do with darkness? Absolutely nothing.

 Your local church may host a trunk and treat, or a fall festival, and provide a safe place for children and families to celebrate the holiday. I agree that the intentions are good but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Halloween is a HUGE holiday in the occult calendar. Some may argue that they are not partaking in the occult, only the fun part. But ask yourself this "What would Jesus think about this?" In fact, what would Jesus do? He has been known to flip tables, make a whip and call out people to repentance. Some may say that this kind of behavior is not "Christ-like". These folks have made for themselves an image of Jesus that is false.

As believers and followers of Christ we are called to DENY ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus. On Sunday folks will sing about surrendering all to Jesus, but they refuse to deny these evil holidays. Pray for discernment! Don't take my word for it. Ask the Lord and He will show you. When you ask, listen and watch. It's your choice. I am just sending out a warning. Just remember that we all have an appointment with the Lord and we have to give an account for our actions. What will you say to Him who knows all and see all, including the intentions of your heart?

Information about the Celts and Druids comes from Caesar and the Roman historians, Greek writings from about 200 B.C., and very early records found in Ireland. Greek and Roman writings about the Druids dwell heavily on their frequent and barbaric human sacrifices. Additionally, the ancient Irish texts describe in detail the Druids' use of magic to raise storms, lay curses on places, kill by the use of spells, and create magical obstacles.

Davies, a 16th century writer who traced his family lineage directly back to Druid priests who fought against Caesar, clearly describes the human sacrifices of his ancestors and the secret sacrifices still performed regularly by the Druids of his time. By 47 A.D., Rome finally defeated the Druids in Britain and outlawed human sacrifices. The few remaining Druids went underground.

October 31st was celebrated by the Druids with human sacrifices and a festival honoring their sun god, Samhain/Kernos, the lord of the dead. They believed that the sinful souls of those who died during the year were in a place of torment, and would be released only if Samhain was pleased with their sacrifices.

In this time period, “trick or treat” was a night of horror. On Halloween, the Druids and their followers went with torches from castle to castle and serf to serf playing trick or treat. The “treat” from the castle demanded by the druids was a princess or some woman for human sacrifice. If the “treat” presented to the Druids pleased them, they would leave a Jack O’ Lantern, with lighted candles made of human fat, to protect those inside from being killed by demons that night. When some refused to meet the demands of the druids, the priests played a cruel “trick” on the home. A hex (hexagram) was drawn upon the door in human blood. That night evil spirits would kill someone in that home through fear.The “treats” received were then taken to Stonehenge for sacrifice. The spellbinding beat of Druid music filled the night as the ceremonies began. The men horrifically raped the victims and then brutally sacrificed them to their god: Samhain/Kernos, god of the dead and underworld. Halloween was founded in rape and human sacrifice.

Irish records tell of the fascination the Catholic monks had with the powerful Druids, and Druids soon became important members of their monasteries. Pope Gregory the Great decided to incorporate the Druids' holiday into the church. He made the proclamation, "They are no longer to sacrifice beasts to the devil, but they may kill them for food to the praise of God, and give thanks to the giver of all gifts for His bounty." Pope Gregory III moved the church festival of October 31st to November 1st and called it All Hallows or All Saints' Day. Pope Gregory IV decreed that the day was to be a universal church observance. The term Halloween comes from All Hallows Eve.

1. Celebrations - The Complete Book of American Holidays, Robt. J. Myers, (Doubleday & Co., 1972).
2. The Famous Druids, A. L. Owen, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1962).
3. The American Book of Days, George William Douglas, (H.W. Wilson Co., 1948).
4. The Two Babylons, Rev. Alexander Hislop, (Chick Publications, 1998).
5. Spellbound, J.T.C, (Chick Publications).

Sunday, October 21, 2018

The blood of Jesus removes tough sins

What sin is so bad that the blood of Jesus cannot clean? There is no sin the blood of Christ cannot wash away. Although you may think you are too far gone, to filthy or committed something too detestable, Jesus is willing to forgive. But when He forgives you of your sins, you must also forgive yourself. Jesus is the one who justifies and forgives, so who can bring a charge against the people of God? Nobody, including yourself.

Romans 8:33 Who  will bring a charge against God's elect? God is the one who justifies.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Truth is, Christians are lazy sometimes.

I'm going to be honest and possibly offend someone. I apologize ahead of time. We Christians, are lazy sometimes. If anything dealing with church isn't planned out a month in advance, we won't do it. If we don't get a flyer or email about it, we won't go. If it conflicts with our schedule, not going. If it invades our comfort zone, we won't do it. That is sad. I am guilty of this too. But i want to get better. We all should pray to be more available. Pray to be more flexible with our schedules when we can be present. God is always searching for someone to go on His behalf.

Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

Imagine if Isaiah said instead "Here I am, but...Lord I am feeling tired and I can't make it." That's how we are sometimes. I say sometimes because I know that there are times we are not lazy and we do what pleases the Lord. We need to become more consistent is what I am trying to say. Pray to be more consistent for the Lord. Even it means staying up a little bit later, drive a little farther, and wait a little bit longer. 

I attached a screenshot of a post I read on Facebook. It's a shame that it is true. 

Walking by Faith

Walking by faith is like walking in the fog. You may not see how far you have to go, but you keep walking. You keep pressing forward and trust that God knows the way and He can see the end from the begining. After a while, walking by faith, you will reach your destination. It may not be when you wanted it to happen or when I wanted it to happen. But it will happen in the perfect timing of God. He is never late or in a hurry. He is always right on time! He promised that He knows the thoughts He has towards us. Not for evil but for good. To give us a future and hope. Praise the Lord!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Behold...your King

We need to change from "you're a precious child of the King" to "Behold, your King!" Christianity has become so "man centered". We think we worship God but really, we are worshiping ourselves. You hear it in the songs we sing and in the messages the Pastors preach on Sunday and on TV. Gone are the days of hymns that praised  the Lord highly and mentioned us as wretches.

It's not about us, it's all about God. It's all about knowing God and God knowing you. It's all about Jesus paying for our sins on the cross. It's all about Jesus rising from the dead 3 days later. If Jesus didn't rise from the dead, our faith is in vain! But we don't worship Jesus in vain. He is risen, alive and well. He will return. Not as a humble servant, but as a conquering king. Get on His side.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

To the undiscerning ear

And he (Satan) led Him to Jerusalem and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here; for it is written, 'He will command His angels concerning You to guard You ,' and, 'On  their  hands they will bear You up , So that You will not strike Your foot against a stone .'" And Jesus answered and said to him, "It is said, 'You shall not  put the Lord your God to the test .'" Luke 4:9‭-‬12

 The devil used the Bible to try to tempt Jesus. He used the verses out of context. To the undiscerning ear, it would sound good. Just like the tree of knowledge of good and evil sounded good to Eve when Satan tempted her. So let me ask this: what makes you think your favorite TV preacher who is constantly accused of being a heretic, wouldn't twist scripture right out of the Bible to get his or her way? I'm so grieved and this topic is on my heart and in my prayers. I feel compassion for the decieved.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

We all need a Judas

We all need a Judas in our life like Jesus did. Why? We need a Judas in our life to betray us so that we can die on cross and pray for our enemies. So that when we bury our sinful flesh, what resurrects is the new man being made into the image of Son of God.

Without Judas, Jesus couldn't have died on the cross. You might say "Well anybody could've betrayed Jesus." But that wasn't God's plan because God's plan said that Judas was the one chosen to betray Christ.

So when a family member, a close friend, a brother in the Lord, and that false Christian were allowed by God to persecuted you because they were chosen to be your opponents. The Bible says that we will learn obedience through suffering. It happened to Jesus, so it will happen to us.

I have faced this type of persecution and currently dealing with a form of it now. It's taught me to pray for my enemies, to forgive them, and hand it all over to the Lord. It's made me more Christ like. Praise the Lord for sanctification. Have you ever suffered this type of persecution? How did it change you? What did you learn?

Sunday, July 8, 2018

I am back!

Wassup burning ones...if there any of you left. I took sometime off from writing. I needed to take a break from ministry for a while. A lot has happened since I last wrote. I'll share some of the highlights.

I got a job working for DHL. What is DHL? DHL is an international shipping company and I work in their customer service department. I started as a temp during the holidays and I got through the probation period and now I am a permanent employee.

I dropped out of college..again. I was going to reattempt to go to GCU for my bachelor's degree in Biblical studies. It just didn't work out. I prayed about it and it's not what I am supposed to be doing.

I am only doing wedding officiant services for family and friends or by word of mouth. To be honest, I began to do it for the wrong reasons. In a way, I got puffed up. I also was giving too much attention  to it and I was ignoring  my own family. But I am thankful for the opportunities the Lord gave me to share the gospel and bless the couples I met. I know more will come along the way.

I bought my first house in June! In the middle of May the Lord told me to go buy a house. The doors opened wide and the process was easier and smoother than I thought. I didn't think that I could pull it off but the Lord made a way. The enemy did throw some road blocks along the way but the Lord brushed them away. I used my VA home loan benefits. I didn't have to put anything down and didn't have to pay closing costs. I bought a 3 bedroom house with a 2 car garage. I had prayed about a lot over the last couple of years and now it come to fruition.

I believe I have found my church home. I am praying about it and also observing how the church operates. We can't stop fellowshipping with others. Having a church home is a good thing. I see that there is a lot of opportunities to serve the Lord and the community.

This is all I can remember right now. So you're all caught up for now. I hope to write some more. I already have something that I will be sharing soon about a situation that happened to me recently. I hope that it will help somebody.

God bless!