Sunday, November 29, 2015

This message just came to me..

I wasn't put on God's green earth to tickle ears and sugar coat His message. I was put here to please Him, not people. Being right with God sometimes means being wrong with friends, family, work colleagues and strangers. I want to do my part in spreading the Gospel and waking people up to the truth. Some might say that I post too much about Jesus and Bible verses. That I take Jesus way too serious and it's like as if that's what I am all about. My reply is YES you are 100% correct. Jesus took me serious when He hung on the cross wounded and beaten for my sins. If Jesus is all I have then I have everything that I need. He died for me publicly so I will live publicly for Him. I am all about Jesus. I will never stop preaching. I will never stop sharing my faith. I will never deny my God even while being threatened with death and torture. There is nothing so bad that I could experience here on earth that I will say "I wish I didn't go through that so I could know Christ." I love Jesus because He first loved me! My dear friends and family, repent from your sins. Come as you are and Jesus will transform you. I am who I am now not on my own effort. The Spirit of God that lives in me has changed me. If it can happen to a guy like me, I know God can do it for you. I am nobody special. I'm not rich, famous, smart, strong, good looking, or talented. God's power is made perfect in my weakness because when I am weak, Jesus makes me strong. I invite you to give Jesus a chance. Seek Him and you will find Him. Don't just come for the change in your life, but come to know Jesus. I use to not believe and I use to think I was good enough to make it to heaven on my own merit. I was so deceived! If I would've died without knowing Christ I would have gone to hell. The meaning of life is summed up in this: to find Jesus Christ and serve Him. Anything else falls way short of the glory that is available to you through Christ Jesus. Jesus died for YOU because He wants a relationship with YOU. Don't be scared. You will never regret it. If you are born again, share your faith with others. Some of your friends and family are going to hell because you stayed silent. Let that sink in. 

I love you all and be blessed in Jesus name.

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