Tuesday, October 30, 2018

We are at war

If you are a born again Chrsitian I just want to remind you that we are at war. We are involved in a spiritual war. We don't fight against flesh and blood. Our fight is with the powers, principalities and dark forces that rule this world. That's why we must wear our spiritual armor all the time.

Use faith to shield you from the fiery darts from the enemy and use your sword of the spirit, the word of God, to fight back and defeat the enemy. Sometimes we need a reminder of that when we feel attacked or things are not going our way. We live in a fallen world where there is death, disease, corruption and sin. If you only signed up to get health, wealth and prosperity then you are missing the whole point of salvation.

We are under constant attack because the enemy hates us and we are on the winning side. Don't feel down because you are under attack, count it a blessing. Because if you weren't under attack, you would be on the enemies side, right?

Count it a blessing to suffer shame and pain for barring the name of Jesus Christ my brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes on Jesus and not on what's going on around you.

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