Thursday, December 5, 2019

A vision I received July 4, 2019

To be honest, I have been very hesitant to share what I am about to share. In fear of what others will say and my damaging my reputation. But that was just a form of pride and self preservation. For that, I repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness. 

On July 4th 2019 sometime in the early hours I suspect, I got this vision or dream. I believe it's from the Lord, but I invite you to pray about it and test the spirit to ensure it is infact from the Lord. If you have the gift to interpret the dream for it's true meaning, please contact me. 

In the vision I was hovering over a Roman era colossium and Christians were being burned at the stake. I saw Christians tied to a stake in the ground with their arms tied behind their back. There was large piles of wood at their feet. Then I heard the Christians singing "Amazing Grace." Oh, the sound was so beautiful and glorious. As the fire smoke began to get thick, then I looked up and I saw clouds and a very bright light shining through them. I saw these Christians being lifted and floating into the light. But I also saw myself lifted and going into the clouds to meet the Lord. We continued to sing and it seemed to get louder as we got closer the light. It was beautiful! It was a beautiful sight to see and hear. I was overwhelmed with joy and tears. It encouraged me that even if we are perscuted, even unto death, we can still sing the praises of the Lord. Even unto death! Get to the other side singing the praises of the Lord along with all the angels and Saints in heaven. 

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