Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Chef and the Waiter.

I read a quote recently that likened an evangelist or a pastor as a waiter and God as the Chef of the restaurant. Please allow me ask you, the reader, a question. When you go to a restaurant, do you compliment the Waiter for cooking the meal? You may say to the Waiter to send your compliments to the Chef; but who gets the glory for cooking the meal? The Chef. 

And like that, the pastor and the evangist are the ones who serve the people and delivery the word of God. To the babes in faith, they get the warm milk of the gospel. For the more mature believer, a hearty meaty steak of the gospel. God is the one who has spoken and we are the ones who deliver the message. 

Now, if the Waiter has done a good job, by all means let the Chef know that his servant is doing a fine job. So that, the Chef may bless the Waiter for a job well done. But all the honor and glory goes to the Chef. All honor and glory to the Lord Most High! 

"Taste and see! The Lord is good." I just realized that sounds almost like a slogan for a restaurant. So what am I trying to tell you? The conclusion is this; God has spoken through the Bible and has given us all instructions on how to be in right standing with Him. God the Father has been good to His promise of sending us a Son to die on our behalf. The Father has validated the death of our Savior, Yeshua the Christ, with the resurrection of the Son of God. The Lord Jesus spoke of sending us a Helper, the Holy Spirit. God has given us His word and 'plated' it and has had His servants go out and deliver the word much like a Chef and a waiter work together. The glory for to the Lord, not the servant for the word. 

The Lord said that He would speak to us at times in parables so that with the example used in the physical to explain what is occurring in the spiritual. Today He spoke to me and made this reference. I understand it because I have worked as a waiter in high school. Also, I recall all the times I've sat at a restaurant and was served. Then, I recalled the times the Lord has used me. (My prayer is that He would use me even more!) I recalled the times a brother in Christ would preach or be teaching or testifying about the Lord. Delivering the word like a waiter bring a fresh meal to a customer's table. 

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