Thursday, July 17, 2014

If grace was an ocean..

Today I went to a job interview. SPOILER ALERT, I got hired. Praise the Lord! So I have been out of work for just over a month. God made me very uncomfortable at my last job and I had to quit. He took me into what we like to call "The Wilderness". We hung around the outskirts though. HA! What I needed was time with the Lord again. Time to read up on my bible, pray a whole lot, and learn more about Him. I missed having time alone with God. In this month I learned so much about myself and how much God values His saints.

What I learned about myself is that I fall short of the glory of God everyday. But I learn from my mistakes. I learned that I must keep focus on my exceedingly great reward (Jesus) if I want to finish the race. I learned I am not a perfect husband but I am good at many things. I give my wife good massages when she is aching after a long day at work. I am getting better at forgiving her quicker and to pray for my wife and thank God for her even when she makes me mad. Things like that. I could do better at washing the dishes though. Since I am imperfect, and I have accepted Christ as my Lord and savior, I can ask for forgiveness for sins, in my weaknesses I can ask for help, and when I don't understand something, I am granted wisdom. Grace, how sweet it is. If grace is an ocean, we are ALL sinking.

Speaking of grace, I didn't think I would get the job. The lady who interviewed me mispronounced my name and i asked her to see if they misspelled it. It does happen. But she took it as I was getting an attitude and she let me know right away of that. Yes I was a bit nervous. I stumbled on some questions. But as the interview went on, I began to have peace and I gained confidence. By the end of the interview, it seemed like my over reaction from the beginning of the interview was long forgotten. When God delights in His child, He makes His enemies make peace with him. I think a little of that happened haha. 

I am not boasting about myself. Lets get that clear. Without Christ I am nothing like this. What is happening inside of me is manifesting itself on the outside. I am witnessing that God is real, repent and turn your life over and experience God's love and forgiveness. Even when things look bad or times are hard, God doesn't leave you. When He feels far away, it wasn't Him who pulled away. It is us who move further from Him because we begin to believe the doubts, the lies, and the discouragement.

As special THANK YOU to everybody who prayed for me.

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