Wednesday, December 24, 2014

This Christmas I want love and forgivness

John 3:16  For God so loved the world,that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

If you cant forgive someone even for the most horrible crime imaginable or the most petty mistake, if you wouldn't be able to do anything for somebody even if it meant your life or the last 5 bucks in your wallet, you don't know the love of Christ. Because that is the way Jesus loves us. He will forgive sin no matter how petty or serious the offense is. Jesus gave His life so that many could live. He would even give you His last 5 bucks just so you don't go hungry. I am not trying to discourage anybody. Be encouraged. Let His love be the goal that we want to meet. If you lack love, ask for it. Pray and ask for it. If you cant forgive somebody, ask the Lord to give you strength to forgive that person. You can not do this on your own in a righteous way with out Jesus because our righteousness is in Him only. Change your ways, ask to be forgiven of your sins and believe in Jesus. Today the Lord showed me how much I lack in love. But I know the standard and I strive and fight for it. I cant stop! There have been times when I feel like stopping and quitting. But the Lord gives me strength to keep going after my exceedingly great reward. The Lord corrects me. I don't like it but I know He does it because He loves me. I do like the results. Like a good father He spanks me and tells me how much He loves me. Thank God that He isn't dealing with my sin anymore. Now that I am new creation and all things are made new, He is dealing with my lack of patience, my lack of compassion, my idols that need to be brushed off. I am being purified like fine gold so that when Jesus looks at me, He sees Himself in me. This is love. This is grace. This is what is available to you. How do I know? Because it was made available to me and I accepted the gift. I never deserved the gift but Jesus paid the price to get me off death row. He took my place. That is love. With every crack of the whip, with every punch thrown at His face, ever inch the nails that were driven into His hands and feet, and every hour He spent on the cross, He did it because He loves sinners. He didn't come to save those who think they deserve heaven because of their self righteousness. He came for the hooker on the strip, the meth addict, the gang banger planning a drive by, the banker who is funneling money out of peoples bank accounts to his own, Jesus came for them. That is love. Thank God for Jesus! Thank you Lord that we can celebrate the real reason for the season. The day God came to the world to save the world because He loves sinners so they can become saints. Merry Christmas!!

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