Sunday, April 16, 2017

Prayer defeats anxiety

Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I haven't written in a long while because my life has been very busy and I also haven't been compelled to write. I moved to a different home, I started going to school again, I got a new job, and my wedding ministry has been taking off also. But I am not going to complain because the Lord is/has answered my prayers. I took God at His word in Philippians 4:6-7 and He was faithful to His word. I had been praying about a new place to live because my previous landlords were more like slum lords. A brother told me about a place right next door to him that came up for rent and now that is where I live. I had prayed and the Lord answered and He opened the doors so that I could move. I am currently attending Grand Canyon University in pursuit of my Bachelors degree in Biblical studies. I aspire to either become a Pastor or a prison Chaplain...but let the Lord's will be done. I prayed about it and the Lord answered and opened the doors for that. Last December I was fired from a job and I was out of work for about 2 months. I prayed that I wouldn't worry about money and that God would place me where He wanted me at. The Lord answered and now I have a new job. Last year I became an ordained minister and I officiated 8 weddings in 2016. I prayed about my ministry and now people are contacting me on Facebook, email and my cell phone.  I prayed, and God answered. I spent many nights, many hours, many tears, praying. I am not boasting about how much of a prayer warrior I am  or how good I am. I want to encourage you to do the same. Just like Jacob who wrestled with the Angel of Lord and did not stop until the Angel blessed him, we have to do the same with the Lord. Sometimes answers come quickly, sometimes they take longer. For example, I just recently got my driver's license reinstated. B.C. (Before Christ) I was a little fast and furious street racer and I drastically ruined my driving record and my license was suspended for a very long time. After I got born again 4 years ago, I would pray to the Lord that I wanted my drivers license back because I needed to drive but I did not have the money for the fines. I also prayed that I would not street race ever again. I prayed for 4 years and finally the Lord came through for me and I have my licence back. I cherish it because I know that it came from the Lord because within myself I could not get the license back. I didn't have the means and all the odds were against me. But NOTHING is impossible for God and nothing is too big or too small for God to take care of. Cast all your cares unto Him because He cares for you! Take it from me because I have experienced this first hand in my life and I am living testimony of this. All the things I mentioned that were prayed up, are all now prayers answered. I had no idea how or when the prayers would be answered but I knew God would answer. Jesus said that His yoke is light and that He was gentle and lowly. His yoke is this: trust and believe in Him. He handles all the rest because the battle is not ours, it belongs to God. Yea, I prayed and I did some leg work,  but all the praises belong to my God for listening to me. God showed my grace, the undeserved favor of God, so that I could be set free. Oh God, who is man that you are mindful of him, And the son of man that you care for him? If you feel anxiousness or worry about absolutely anything, pray it up. Go boldly before the throne of grace so that you can receive grace and mercy in your time of help. Keep praying, keep trusting, keep believing, keep seeking God, abide in the word, and I say again PRAY.

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