Sunday, August 19, 2018

We all need a Judas

We all need a Judas in our life like Jesus did. Why? We need a Judas in our life to betray us so that we can die on cross and pray for our enemies. So that when we bury our sinful flesh, what resurrects is the new man being made into the image of Son of God.

Without Judas, Jesus couldn't have died on the cross. You might say "Well anybody could've betrayed Jesus." But that wasn't God's plan because God's plan said that Judas was the one chosen to betray Christ.

So when a family member, a close friend, a brother in the Lord, and that false Christian were allowed by God to persecuted you because they were chosen to be your opponents. The Bible says that we will learn obedience through suffering. It happened to Jesus, so it will happen to us.

I have faced this type of persecution and currently dealing with a form of it now. It's taught me to pray for my enemies, to forgive them, and hand it all over to the Lord. It's made me more Christ like. Praise the Lord for sanctification. Have you ever suffered this type of persecution? How did it change you? What did you learn?

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