Sunday, December 23, 2018

Why God lets us suffer

God is suffering you, letting you be in what you are in, so that He can get the glory when He brings you out.

When Jesus healed the blind he told him that he was born blind so that Jesus could heal him and that God would get the glory.

We are not promised a life without suffering and affliction. But we are promised that God will be with us through the storm. The word says that He will deliver us from all of our afflictions. 

The Bible teaches that Jesus learned obedience to God through suffering. Why would Jesus, the Son of God, the God-man, need to learn obedience? The real question is, why do we think we are spared from suffering?

In my walk with the Lord, it has been through affliction and suffering that I have gotten to know God more intimately. He word has become more real and even more alive and meaningful in those times in the valley. 

When we suffer, it is not the time to try to find inner strength. It time to find God! He has all the strength and then some more. 

Paul wrote about a "thorn of the flesh" that was given to him, to keep him humble. It made him acknowledge the fact that he was weak, and God is strong. When Paul did that, the power of God rested on Him. Gods grace is sufficient. 

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