Sunday, December 23, 2018

Why I dont celebrate Christmas anymore

Christmas has, is and will always be pagan. Many say that "Jesus is the reason for the season" and "Keep Christ in Christmas." I would reply back "No, Jesus is not the reason for the season and Christ has never had anything to do with Christmas." There is a lot of Biblical proof to prove what I just stated. The whole thing is corrupt, pagan and roots in the occult.

I want to say this so there isn't any confusion. I do believe the birth of the Savior of the world, God in the flesh, is very important. Without the birth of Jesus, there is no atonement for sin. But we have never been commanded in the Old and New Testament to celebrate the birth of Jesus. But, we are commanded to remember the death of Jesus through communion. His body broken for our healing, His blood to wash away our sins.

Some may say "Well the Bible says that some believe one day is holier than the other and some don't". But what is the context of this misquoted verse? To me, they are using these verses as an excuse to sin. They are basically admitting to being weak of faith and because of this reason, they can continue to be weak and do as they please. The culture of the church institution is mediocrity. Its okay to be a mediocre Christian. Its okay to be weak of faith. Its okay to be involved with a church for 25 years and still a spiritual infant. These folks like to be spoon fed the word and they can only handle the milk.

Why would anyone want to just barely make the mark? Why would anyone want to just slide into the gates of heaven? When there is so much to learn and experience and so much room for growth. As children we want to be grown up so fast. We want to hurry to maturity. But not when it comes to growing in faith or things of God. I encourage you all to not accept mediocrity. Strive for the best of what the Lord has to offer. Its attainable but you may have to sacrifice somethings you like and you may have to deny yourself some of the legitimate pleasures of the world.

Before I go any further, let me remind you that this is why I don't celebrate Christmas. I am not condemning anyone if they choose to. Its your choice. But I am going to share why I do not. Also, I want to add, the paragraphs I wrote before this one, that is my opinion. Last I checked, I can still share my opinion. I live in America and we still have freedom of speech. But I digress.

I was like the majority of people who grew up with the tradition of Christmas. Presents, Santa Claus, Reindeer, Elves, trees, snow, etc I grew up with that. As I got older, I began to see that the holiday made people do things they usually wouldn't do. Some people would be nice to others. But only during this time of the year. People would go to great lengths, even going further into debt, just to buy a present for their loved one. Children are lied to about Santa. I was lied to also. When one of my cousins told me Santa was fake, according to my mom, I lost my innocence that day. I lost it the day I was told the lie.

  • The Winter Solstice begins in December 21st and ends December 25th. It ends 13 weeks later on February 14th. During this time, many human sacrifices take place. Yes, even now in the 21st century. 
  • The Christmas tree, also known as the sacred tree of the winter god, comes from the Druid belief that their God resided in the trees. The tree also represented the reincarnation of Nimrod as Tammuz. 
  • The star on top of the tree is a symbol of Satan. It is also the sacred symbol of Nimrod and has nothing to do with Jesus or His birth. 
  • Mistletoe is a sacred plant in the occult that represents fertility and blessings. Kissing under the mistletoe is the first step in the reproductive cycle. 
  • The wreath is a symbol of a woman's birth canal. Its a symbol of fertility and the circle of life. 
  • Many former Satanist state that the name "Santa" is an anagram of the name "Satan". An anagram is a play with letters in words to produce new words or phrases. This is a common practice in the occult. The truth hidden in plain sight. 
  • The reindeer represent the horned god of pagan religions. Originally, Santa had 8 deer and the number 8 is a symbol of the New World Order and also of new beginnings. 
  • Elves are demons. Demons are Satan's helpers. "Elf on a shelf" is really "Demon on the shelf". Come on my people! You leave it in place and then overnight it moves somewhere else by itself? You don't see anything wrong with that? I believe that demons are real and they are very bad. 
  • The RED and GREEN colors of Christmas are the traditional colors of winter in the occult. The church will say the red represents the red blood of Jesus and the green is the Spirit of God or eternal life. But that's not true. Red represents the red blood of human sacrifices. Green represents fertility (AKA sex). Not sex in the context of a married couple. But fornication. 
  • December 25th is known as the nativity (occasion of some one's birth; birthday) of sun. It is the birthday of Tammuz. Traditionally it use to be celebrated on December 21st but the Roman Catholic church changed it December 25th. 
  • December 25th is also known as "Saturnalia"by the ancient Romans. It was a celebration of debauchery, drunkenness, fornication and it ended with a huge feast. "Merry making"..sound familiar? Well merry making was just another word for wild revelry. 
  • The name 'Christmas" is even occult. We know "Christ" mentions Jesus, "Mas" means "mass". The pagans commemorate death with a mass. Christmas means death of Christ. They celebrate the death of Christ. We know that they don't believe Jesus rose from the dead. Pagans celebrate Christmas for the day when the Antichrist kills Jesus and Christianity. 
  • Pilgrims did not celebrate Christmas. Christmas was illegal to celebrate in the United States at one point. 
  • The tree represents a pyramid and the star above represents the all seeing eye and Satan. 
  • Many of these traditions came from the Egyptian culture also. The Free Mason's and many false religions use the symbols once used by the pagan Egyptians. 
  • The birthday of every pagan sun god is December 25th. 
I know, you don't celebrate none of those things and you celebrate Jesus. God doesn't want to be worshiped in the way that pagan gods are worshiped. God wants us to worship Him in the Spirit and in truth. The truth is, Christmas is pagan. You may not know or care what these symbols mean, but the mean something in the spiritual realm. they mean something to people. Satanists, pagans and folks involved with the occult, must laugh at us Christians for celebrating their wicked and pagan holiday. 

I choose not to celebrate Christmas because I want to respect God. I've read the Bible for myself and I understand from my readings that God has laid out how He wants things done. Not only laid them out in detail, but commands His people to do what He says. I've read how God is a jealous God and He does not share His glory with anyone. He hates idols and false gods because they rob Him of the glory that is due to Him. Just read the Old Testament and you will see that when the nation of Israel would begin to worship the gods of the pagans and celebrate their holidays and then try to worship the one and only true living God the way they practiced worshiping these false gods, it didn't go over very well. God would have to punish the nation of Israel. Some may say "Well we have freedom and we are under grace". I would agree that we have freedom and we are under Gods grace. But it doesn't mean that we are now free to sin as we please because of Gods grace. Gods grace makes it so that we do not have to sin. We can chose to sin or not sin. We are free, but we shouldn't run back to our vomit like the dogs. 

I recall reading that Jesus calls us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Him. When it comes to denying, what exactly are we denying? We are denying ourselves our sinful ways. The sins that we once loved. That should include denying oneself a pagan holiday in the name of being righteous and holy before the Lord our God. But some do not want to deny themselves this. I want to deny myself this legitimate pleasure so that I can know Him more. Jesus didn't celebrate Christmas and nor are we commanded to. We are commanded to abstain from all forms of evil. We are commanded to be holy, because God is holy. We are called to be separate from the world and be unique, Gods peculiar people. But we want to fit in and look like the world. 

Jesus said to pick up your cross and follow Him. When Jesus picked up His cross, He picked up it up and was led to the place where He would die. You sinful and fleshly ways need to die. Our old self was crucified with Christ and then buried with Him. We arose from baptism brand new and alive like Jesus. We are waiting for the salvation of our bodies, but our souls are saved and our Spirit is very much alive in us. I am speaking to those who claim to be born again Christians and who have been baptized. I'm not judging sinners because sinners are going to do what sinners do. That is to sin. I want to pick up my cross and follow Jesus to die. I hate sin. I hate this world full of temptation. Its not what God had originally planned for us. 

I also think that Christmas is a big waste of money. Since not celebrating Christmas, I am not so broke during December. I don't have to buy presents, trees, decorations, and those awful ugly sweaters. My eyes have been opened and I see that knowing Christ and following Him is mush more valuable and worthy than celebrating Christmas. I received the greatest gift of all, my salvation. It was given to me so that I may not boast about how I deserved it. Its so that I know that I didn't deserve it and God gave it to me anyways. Jesus gets all the glory, props and praise for saving me. I am forever grateful. And because I love Jesus so much and I hold Him in such high respect, I refuse to celebrate a pagan holiday. I know when I stand before Him, I wont be faulted for celebrating this "holy day". 

I don't condone or suggest anyone to celebrate Christmas. I also do not condemn anyone to hell for celebrating it either. I will let God be the judge of that. It hasn't been easy to break away from this tradition. Its all over the place and the stores start selling Christmas stuff as early as September. The day before the season officially begins, Thanksgiving, is the day we are suppose to reflect on the blessings God gave us. But the next day at midnight, people are mobbing over each other for TVs and video game systems. Its a celebration of selfishness and gluttony. I want nothing to do with that. If you're okay with that, okay. But just remember that we all will give an account of our lives to Him. This isn't a threat, its a promise that He made. I'm just reminding you of it. I expect backlash from this post. I expect to be hated and called names. But Jesus said that if the world hates me, it is because the world hated Him first. 

Oh, before I forget. The Biblical proof. God uses His festivals as a timeline for things to come. Jesus was born on the fest of tabernacles, which is at the end of summer. Also in the story of the birth of Jesus, the shepherds were out at night with their flocks. The shepherds would not have their flocks out in the freezing cold at night, nor would they spend the entire night out in the freezing cold. Yes, it does get that cold in the area where Jesus was born. Its been known to snow and freeze. Nowhere in the story of the birth of Jesus is it revealed the number of wise men went to worship Jesus. Also, the wise men were not in the manger the night Jesus was born. They found Jesus when he was about 1 or 2 years old. I believe it is assumed there were only 3 wise men because of the 3 gifts that were given. 

Nowhere in the story of the birth of Jesus is there any mention of trees, deer, Santa Claus, elves, and wreaths. Was the birth of Jesus a joyous occasion? Absolutely. But Jesus is not a baby anymore. He isn't in a manger. He grew up and fulfilled the prophecy of the Messiah. He died and rose again 3 days later. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God. He is high Priest and King forever. One day, Jesus is going to come back for His people. I want to be found to be one of His people. Even if it means denying myself Christmas. He is worthy. When Jesus comes back, He is coming back to judge and He will not be persuaded on that day. On the day of His return, the age of grace will end on earth. Don't risk it brethren. Repent and ask for forgiveness. Turn from your ways. 

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