Saturday, February 22, 2020

3 tips to a better prayer life

I feel compelled to share something with you. May I give you 3 tips on a better prayer life? For the new believer, follow these steps so that you learn how to pray. For the seasoned believer, this should be a tune up and serve as a reminder. 

1) Set a time and place to pray. 
Always try to stay faithful to that time and place. Remember the enemy will do anything to stop you. 

2) Combine your prayer time with reading the Bible. Pray. Read. Pray. Repeat. The Bible will give you language to speak to God. Before you begin to read, ask God to speak to you through His word. As you're reading, if a verse stands out, pray about it. I'd also suggest highlighting or underlining the verse. Here is an example on how to pray a verse in the Bible. 

Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me." So I'd pray "Heavenly Father, your word says that I can do all things, not something's, but ALL things through Jesus Christ, who is my Lord and Savior. Lord, my strength comes from You. Thank you that I have your word and you cannot lie. In Jesus name, Amen."

3) Begin all your prayers with God and the pray inside-out or outside-in. This is also called praying in concentric circles. Imagine a circle with layers. At the center is the beginning of the circle. So to pray inside-out, begin by praying for yourself, then pray for your family, then your church etc. Or pray outside-in. Starting with praying for believers all over the world, praying for your country, and then your city etc. But above either of these circles, is God. Always start with Him. Pray in the this manner found in the Lords Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) 

So there you have it! 3 tips to a better prayer life . I want to remind you that after you addressed the Lord at the start of your prayer, you may begin to boldly approach the throne of grace to receive mercy on our time of help. You can supplicate, cast your cares, and give thanks. 
Prayer is like a love letter. It starts with addressing the one you love. When you look at the Lord's prayer, Jesus addresses His Father and the kingdom. After that, He asks for things. Once he has finished asking, Jesus ends the prayer once again giving praise, honor and glory to the God. 

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