Saturday, April 25, 2020

Leadership that serves and sacrifices is Biblical leadership

So I just read an article ( - Servant leadership transforms leadership into subservice) where they say that "servant leadership" is bad and how we are not supposed to be slaves. But I disagree. I do agree a man is ordained to lead his wife and family and the man is responsible for his wife and family. 

A man serves by leading and not only that, but leading by example. A man is supposed to lead by sacrificing time, energy, sweat, tears, and in only pursing God. A husband, in particular, must lead his wife spiritually. "Follow me as I follow Christ". 

It's Sacrificial PLUS Servant Leader. They go hand in hand  and to say that servant leadership is form of feminism and a method the culture is trying to emasculate Christian men, is incorrect. If we are to be Christ-like, then Jesus was the most masculine man ever and He was a sacrificial servant leader. 

Jesus said in Matthew 20:28 that He did NOT come to be served, but to SERVE and give His life for the random of many. Are we not supposed to follow the example of Jesus? Isn't the master greater than the servant? 

So yes to servant leadership, but you have to include sacrificial leadership also because Jesus sacrificed Himself and He served others. Jesus said that anybody who desires to follow Him, must deny themselves and follow Him. 

When Jesus carried His cross, He carried the cross to go die sacrificially and servantly. Jesus humbled Himself to the will of the Father so that His sacrifice would atone for our sins. By serving, He demonstrated that He is in fact, God in the flesh. 

We are to follow the lead of our Lord Jesus. This article I read was way off. Jesus said that the greatest among you shall be your SERVANT. Paul wrote that husband's should love their wife's as Jesus loves the church. Jesus serves the church and sacrificed Himself for the church as He leads the church.

Jesus and Paul referenced and used the term "bondservant" as a way to illustrate the way a follower should be like; a person who is bound in service for no wages. Husbands, we are called to sacrificial, bondservant like Christ. 

But somehow we are above that and we shouldn't be a servant leader because someone thinks it's demeaning? I would argue that it's a place of honor. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples in servitude and leadership. We should do the same! 

Sacrificial love hurts a lot because sacrificial love, loves BIG. It goes all in. It's the ultimate proof of love. Jesus said that the greatest love is one who gives his life for his friends. I am a friend of God. Are you? 

A Jesus who refuses to serve and doesn't call you to serve others like He did, is a false Jesus. A Jesus who doesn't call you to lead sacrificially as He did, is a false Jesus. A Jesus who refuses to sacrificially and servantly lead and doesn't call you to do both , is no Jesus anyone should follow. 

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